11 Sure-Fire Ways To Annoy Someone From North Dakota
If you're from North Dakota you will find this to be true. If you're not from North Dakota and you're planning a visit, you better brush up on what irks North Dakotans' nerves.
Here's a list of eleven things that will annoy a North Dakotan.
1. People Saying North Dakota Is Flat And 'Boring'
Number one, we are not entirely flat; take a trip out to Medora and experience the rugged terrain. Number two, we are certainly not boring. The people of North Dakota snowboard, ski, go boating, hike, and do all the same things you might do in your state. Leave us alone with your negativity.
2. People Thinking Fargo Is The Only City In The State
Most people who aren't from North Dakota assume Fargo is the only worthwhile city in the state. Rude. Bismarck, Minot, and Dickinson are all great cities to visit. Bismarck sits on the Missouri, and there is ton of things you can do there that you can't do in Fargo.
Things exist outside of Fargo, dangit!
3. People Not Appreciating Our 'Warm' Days
30 degrees is warm in North Dakota. Once you've dropped into the negatives, you start to really appreciate it when it gets back up0 to 30. You might even catch yourself thinking any day above zero feels like summer.
Appreciate it, people!
4. Thinking Everyone Lives On A Farm
Just because we are known for farming and ranching, doesn't mean we all live on farms. Many of us live in cities, and have never done the slightest bit of farm/ranch work.
That said, every North Dakotan appreciates the impact the industry has on our state. We are proud of our farmers and ranchers.
5. Not Knowing The Impact The DAPL Protests Had On Our Community
While the rest of the world was watching these events unfold on TV, we were living it. Our towns were flooded with people, crime skyrocketed, and heaps of trash and other waste was left behind at the campsites.
People in the surrounding communities were on edge and very much affected by the situation.
6. Bad-Mouth North Dakota
You know how people from other states talk about how much they hate where they live? Well, that doesn't happen here. The fastest way to make an enemy in North Dakota is by stating you don't like North Dakota. Seriously.
7. Making Fun Of The Way We Talk
Yes, we say "Bay-g" and "Tay-g." We don't make fun of you for sounding like a goat, saying "Baaah-g," so don't make fun of our Northern accents.
8. Not Liking Beer
We will automatically assume something is wrong with you if you don't like beer. Like, can you even trust a person who doesn't knock back a beer from time to time? -- We thinks, no.
9. People Who Don't Support Local Businesses
We are a very proud bunch. We also like to look out for one another, so we do everything we can to support the people in our community who are trying to make it happen.
My advice: if ever in North Dakota, do your best to shop and support local.
10. Not Knowing The Difference Between Farming & Ranching
You should NEVER call a rancher a farmer and vice versa. These are two different things. Is there a bit of crossover from time to time? - Yes. Do we still expect you to know what is what? - Also yes.
11. People Not Understanding Bison Blood Runs Deep
We love our NDSU Bison. Many of us have family members that attended the college. If that's not the reason we have so much Bison pride, it's because we support all things North Dakota, so get on board or go away.
That's All
There you have it; that's the short list of things that will annoy any North Dakotan you encounter. Use this information to your advantage, and don't say I never did anything for you. Use this wisdom I've given you.
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Gallery Credit: Jacob Osborn
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