A Mom On A Mission

A woman named Kaylee Alvarado is sharing her son's story to warn others. According to Inforum, Alvarado was horrified by the way her son was handled by local medical staff, and thinks it should never have happened.

What Happened?

According to Inforum, Alvarado's 3-year old son was injured during a routine medical procedure. The news outlet reported that medical staff forced back her son's foreskin, causing him to bleed profusely.

The Facts

According to WHO (World Health Organization) , the United States circumcision rate is between 76 and 92 percent. It's the most common medical procedure among boys/men, and is often a subject of much debate.

The Question At Hand:

All mom's worry about their children, and we learn that we can't protect them from everything... but isn't this preventable? The bigger question here is, are medical professionals not being educated enough on how to handle patients who are not circumcised?

How Widespread & Common Is The Mishandling Issue?

My next question is how often does something like this happen? Are people not talking about it to protect their privacy? -- I think that very-well could be. Even though it's not a topic that usually comes up in casual conversation, with a good percentage of the population affected, shouldn't we be advocating, and bringing the issue to light?

I've reached out to Alvarado, and have yet to receive a response, so no word on whether or not she's received an apology, or why and at what medical center this occurred.



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