Have You Seen The “Dancing” Christmas Lights in Lincoln?
It may not look or feel like a normal wintery December in North Dakota, but the Christmas lights in the Bismarck-Mandan area are really making it feel like Christmas.
Last night, my fiancé, our pup, and I went on a drive to look at the Christmas lights. We drove out by the University of Mary, went off-road, and found some great Christmas lights and views on the outskirts of Bismarck. Before we wrapped up our drive, my fiancé decided he wanted to see what the Christmas light "scene" was like in Lincoln. We figured we would see some cool displays, but we did not expect to find an incredible Christmas light show!
We had just pulled into Lincoln when we turned onto Santee Road to find house that was decked out in lights that put on a show! We noticed that the lights were all flashy and animated, and we realized that this particular Christmas light display was one of those choreographed displays - you know the ones that "dance" to music?
When we pulled up to the house, we saw a sign to turn the radio dial to 105.5. We tuned in to hear a Hard Rock Christmas song by Trans-Siberian Orchestra. We also heard Pentatonix "Little Drummer Boy" and other unexpected Christmas songs. As we drove down the block, we saw another house with lights that danced to the same Christmas music. These two dancing Christmas displays and the festive music truly made Santee Road in Lincoln feel like we were driving through a Winter Wonderland - all that was missing was the snow!
Have you been to Lincoln to see the dancing Christmas light displays?
CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads