ND Cities Set New Record High Temperatures Over the Weekend
If you were anywhere within North Dakota on Sunday (August 12th), you were in one of the hottest spots throughout the country.
It was crazy hot pretty much everywhere in North Dakota on Sunday. Many cities, including Bismarck, set record high temperatures for August 12th. Bismarck set a new record with a high temperature of 104, which tops the former high for the day at 102, set back in 1978. In Williston, it's new record high for the day at 108 was 20 degrees hotter than it was in Miami, FL.
Record high temps were also set in Dickinson and Minot.
Grand Forks also tied their record high for the day at 98 degrees.
At least it seems that a break from the heat is expected in the forecast for the next few days.
If the heat has you feeling miserable, just remember that back on December 31, 2017, which was just 226 days ago, the high temperature was -6. And that time of year will be here before you know it.
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