Most of us plan to spend quite a bit of time outside this summer. We love the warm weather, we love being on the river, and love doing all the things North Dakota has to offer during the warm weather months.

Unfortunately, there’s something that comes along with these warm-weather months that we all can’t stand.

* Drumroll please *


You can spend a bunch of money spraying your yard for mosquitoes, you can spray yourself head to toe with mosquito spray, you can plant a bunch of plants in your yard that have natural repellants. These are things I know many of us do.

That said, there's another thing we don't want to forget when it comes to warding off these pesky bugs.

Colors to Avoid Wearing in North Dakota to Keep the Blood-Suckers Away

According to a study done by the University of Washington, and it found that certain colors attract mosquitoes more than others.

Here’s a list of the colors you definitely want to avoid wearing this summer.

#1. Black


#2. Red


#3. Cyan


#4. Orange.


Not Just Shirt Color

Now keep in mind, mosquitoes are attracted to many things like your skin temperature, your sweat, even perfumes and colognes, but this is one thing you can do to help keep them off of you this summer.

Good luck keeping these insects far away this summer. Have fun & thanks for reading!


North Dakotans Top 10 Phobias

Take a look!

Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne

LOOK: Counties with the highest unemployment in North Dakota

Stacker compiled a list of the counties with the highest unemployment in North Dakota using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Counties are ranked by unemployment rate in November 2023.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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