Do You Think North Dakota Should Pass Stricter Seatbelt Laws?
According to KX News, North Dakota lawmakers voted to keep the state's existing seatbelt laws as is, which means a person can't be pulled over just for not wearing a seatbelt. There was a bill proposed that would make it so driving while unbuckled would be reason enough to pull someone over. While some argued that the seatbelts save lives, others felt that stricter seatbelt laws infringe on an individual's right to choose. See the arguments for and against a tougher seatbelt law here.
According to Vision Zero North Dakota, "In 2019, 46% of motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota were not wearing seat belts."
According to Vision Zero North Dakota, "In 2019, 46% of motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota were not wearing seat belts." The website also states that seatbelts are the single most effective way to survive a crash. But even though seatbelts may save lives, why would it be necessary to enact and enforce seatbelt laws?
As someone who admittedly does not always wear a seatbelt, I am glad that the new seatbelt bill proposal failed. I mean, who would benefit from a fine for not wearing one? The decision to wear or not to wear a seatbelt solely affects the individual decision maker. And wearing a seatbelt does not guarantee life after a crash. So, the fact that there was ever a bill proposed to pull over and charge people just for remaining unbuckled while driving seems excessive and overreaching.
Do you think that the seatbelt laws in North Dakota should be stricter?
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