It's not a picture of the fire in SD (just a picture)  because apparently you can't report on it without a release of information from the Governor. Or so it seems here.  KOTA TV in South Dakota seems a little perplexed why that is.

But, the fire has been reported to be 100% contained! Great news. Really, all I ever saw were pictures of smoke. Cool, no story then...


The President is on his way to Rushmore July 3rd and we are going to blow up some fireworks!

Y'all, that isn't far away.

The good news- there were 117 firefighters on hand to quell the flames today.  Roads and recreation areas were shut down to allow aircraft access to refill with water in area lakes. They fight these kinds of fires all the time in the Hills. I'm sure it's built into the community.

The best news?  It started to rain so hard that gully washers appeared and minor flooding occurred.

I do love the Black Hills.  Reptile Gardens, the Beaver Run Water Slide, the Life of Christ Wax Museum...and don't forget the COSMOS! Yup, I love it all.  I've had plenty of family in Belle Fourche  Seems they, like a lotta people, left. Not just to moving to Spearfish, but beyond (but I have to say Spearfish won that fight).

Back to the Hills and Presidential Fireworks.

Seems it's been brewing for a awhile- so say these folks. Seriously, click on that.

Stay safe y'all.

do no harm.


(after Sturgis- go to the Cosmos. You'll like it. If it's not still smokin')

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