Several restaurants have closed their doors lately, and we hate to see it.

Even when a restaurant announces a temporary close, there's always a bit of concern.

It's Not All Bad

With that said, we've had many new restaurants pop up as of late; Sazon, the new Old 10, and The Tavern, to name a few. So, you could say it's not all doom and gloom.

A Bismarck Favorite

There's a restaurant in Bismarck that has a sort of cult following. You might have noticed that "The Walrus" is closed.

The good news about this is that it is only temporary.

Why Isn't It Open?

If you're wondering why The Walrus has taken a pause on serving the Bismarck-Mandan community, it's because they have some big changes coming soon.

What does that mean? -- It's a remodeling project! Soon, when you go in to dine at The Walrus restaurant on north 3rd street, you will notice it has a new look.

We haven't gotten word on how extensive the renovation/remodeling will be, but we are certainly going to find out.

Not Closed For Long

Don't worry, the wait won't be long. The restaurant has even made it easy on us; there's a countdown sign plastered across the windows, letting us know how many days are left before they open again.

As of today (Monday, April 24th), we're at 15 days.

The owners plan to do the big reveal on May 8th, so get ready to check it out and gorge yourself on pasta.




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