Will Bismarck Soon Have Mask Mandate?
Tensions between pro-mask and anti-mask people are rising as parts of North Dakota backslide towards "Red" on the risk level scale.
To mandate masks or not to mandate masks? That is one of the most controversial questions at the moment. One side believes that we need to look out for the life of our fellow man by masking up and social distancing. Another side believes that people should take personal responsibility for decisions like wearing masks and social distancing.
Governor Doug Burgum has yet to crack down and issue a statewide mask mandate. He wants to leave the controversial decision up to local governments. Both Fargo and Minot have now issued mask mandates, so will other cities follow suit?
According to KX News, during yesterday's (October 21) special City of Bismarck Board of Health meeting with City Commissioners, there was a discussion about a potential mask mandate. The report says that Commissioner Nancy Guy brought it up because of the new "Orange/ High-Risk" status the governor assigned Burleigh County. The motion Commissioner Guy proposed passed and a potential mask mandate will be discussed at the upcoming commission meeting on October 27. Read more from KX News here.
At this point, we can only speculate whether or not Bismarck will follow Fargo and Minot with a mask mandate.
I have made it no secret about my feelings on masks and social distancing. I am aware that this is an attempt to keep the population as safe as possible from Coronavirus. So, I do mask-up and I keep my space to comply. But what do we actually expect to come from more mandates, more social distancing, and more capacity reductions/ closures? There are states that are more restrictive than North Dakota and they are no closer to a "new normal" than our state.
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