WIN: “Sleigh this Holiday” with Hot 97-5
You can WIN a .65 carat ideal cut diamond from Kokkeler's Jewelery, worth $3,000! Get ready to "Sleigh this Holiday" with Hot 97-5!
Kokkeler's Jewelry is celebrating their 65th anniversary in Bismarck this holiday season. So, the fine people at Kokkeler's are gifting someone with a .65 CARAT IDEAL CUT DIAMOND! How can you win such a glamorous prize just in time for Christmas? Keep reading to learn more AND enter for your chance to "Sleigh this Holiday" with Kokkeler's Jewelry and Hot 97-5!
WHAT: "Sleigh this Holiday" with Hot 97-5 & Kokkeler's Jewelry
WHEN: November 16, 2020 - December 19, 2020
HOW TO WIN: Every weekday JUST AFTER 3:00 PM, listen for Kori B. to announce the "Sleigh this Holiday" Word of the Day on Hot 97-5! Get to the FREE Hot 97-5 app to enter the Word of the Day in the form below! You can also register for a chance to become a finalist at Kokkeler's Jewelry.
GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY: 10 FINALISTS (5 online, 5 in-store) will join us at Kokkeler's Jewelry on Saturday, December 19 for the chance to win the .65 CARAT IDEAL CUT DIAMOND!
- ON-AIR - Every Friday, we will choose one finalist from the "Sleigh this Holiday" Word of the Day entries. The finalist will win a $100 gift card to Kokkeler's Jewelry and secure one of 10 total spots for the grand prize!
- GRAND PRIZE EVENT* - 10 finalists will each receive a wrapped gift box. Each box will have a gift inside.
- 7 finalists will WIN JEWELRY
- 2 finalists will WIN A $250 GIFT CARD
- 1 finalist will WIN THE .65 CARAT IDEAL CUT DIAMOND
*Grand Prize event at Kokkeler's Jewelry subject to change due to COVID.
Townsquare Media contest rules available here.
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