North Dakotans Should Know: 5 Of The BEST & WORST Places To Propose
To propose or not to propose? -That is the question. Once you decide you want to go for it, you've got another big decision to make; how are you going to ask the person you love?
I've made a list of some of the BEST.. and WORST ways to go about it. Keep in mind, this is 100 percent subjective. What I like, might be what someone else hates and you know your partner best. In any case, here's a few ideas to throw around.
To make it better, these are all do-able right here in North Dakota.
The Best:
1. At A Jewelry Store - Taking one right out of the "Sweet Home Alabama" playbook. Letting a girl pick out her own ring is next level. There's no room for error! You blindfold her (or him, we're all about non-traditionalism here) and pour your heart out. Surround them in diamonds and you're sure to get a "Yes." ...And even if it's a "No," there are much fewer witnesses at a jewelry store, so it works both ways. I'm sure plenty of jewelry stores in Bismarck-Mandan would be happy to oblige.
2. In The Rain - This one is admittedly weird and spontaneous, but you have to admit, there's something romantic about the rain. There are so many romance movies that have these beautiful scenes in the rain... The Notebook, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Spiderman, Sweet Home Alabama (second nod), A Cinderella Story, even Pirates of the Caribbean has one! There is something dreamy and whimsical about romantic gestures in the rain. Keep the ring in your coat pocket and wait for mother nature to send you her sign.
P.S. - I look like a drowning rat when I'm wet, so this isn't ideal for me, but most other women are normal and look like they just walked off the set of Baywatch when caught in a rainstorm. You should be safe.
3. Baseball game - Think about it. You could try to get the proposal up on the Jumbotron, get the crowd in on it, and even cap it off with Friday night fireworks at any Larks game. Sounds pretty cute to me. -- Conditional: Make sure your person likes baseball, otherwise the idea is so-so.
4. Outdoor Ice Skating - Go for a night skate under some string lights. Drink some hot cocoa, slip off her mitten and do the thing. This is like a Hallmark movie. Hot tip: don't put the ring IN the hot cocoa. As a matter of fact, putting a ring in food is so dumb, I don't know who started this trend, but it needs to stop. Girls like to eat. Put food in my face and I'm gonna go to town. Put a ring in the food, and it's as good as gone. Either that, or we'll end up with a chipped tooth. Please, just don't. Nobody wants a dirty ring from the jump either.
5. A Love Boat
You don't need a gondola to make it special. You can get the same romantic atmosphere right here in North Dakota on the Missouri River. Take a boat out on the river or hop on the Lewis and Clark Riverboat and pop the big question. Whatever you do... "Don't let go Jack."
The Worst
(Avoid any and everywhere)
1. On A Plane - Planes are cramped, stinky, sweaty, and full of nervous "I might die" energy. Babies are crying, people are coughing and eating stinky food. The dude two rows behind you slipped his shoes off. This is less than ideal. Flash mob at the airport? Now we're talking.
Exception to the rule: Private jets. If your partner has a private jet, you already know what it is. *Cue Kanye West Gold Digger*
2. At A Wedding - I actually can't. Someone else planned and paid for this event. You're not only stealing the spotlight, but you're mooching off someone else's idea. If this happened to me, I'd be so embarrassed. Like, sorry Clarissa, my boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to ask me to marry him after you cut your cake. We were sitting right between Great Uncle Charlie and you're nephew Max. Guess which one of them fell asleep at the table?! Literally no.
3. Bars - Ok, look... there are some fancy rooftop bars out there where you might think the moment is just right, but contain yourself. Make it more personal. And remember: if there's even the slightest possibility that you might encounter twerking and/or vomit/excrement in the floor of a public restroom, find a better location. Walk your partner home and ask at their doorstep. That's a very "Sex and the City" move.
4. In A Text Message - Throwing out a proposal in a text message is almost unimaginable. Keyword: almost. "Should we just get married?" "We should get married. lol" "I want you to be my wife." -- These are all examples of the joking-but-not-joking text proposal. Just stop. Either ask or don't. Don't keep your person around with the idea of it, but never actually get around to formally asking. Also, don't do a serious ask this way. I'd drown my phone if this happened to me.
5. After Sex - Yes, you knew this one was coming. It's just not a good idea. You'll regret it or the other person will be offended. Plus, you want to know if it's a real proposal, not just something you decided in the erm... heat of the moment. your partner deserves better, so do it right.
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