When we think of the holidays, we think of family, presents, Santa, Rudolph, and even elves.

I'm sure you've scrolled on Facebook and have seen an elf name chart. They typically use the first letter of your name and birth month to determine your funny elf name.

I had a Christmas onesie party recently and gave all the guests nametags with different elf names on them. You could only answer to your elf name the whole night. My name was Jolly Jinglewiggle.


North Dakota Elf Names

This got me thinking; everyone in North Dakota should get an elf name this year. I put together a bunch of North Dakota-themed elf names for you to use this holiday season.

First Name

First, find the first letter of your first name.

A: Rodeo

B: Bismarck

C: Windy

D: Snowplow

E: Jamestown

F: Badlands

G: Frybread

H: Fargo

I: Chokecherry

J: Minot

K: Subzero

L: Beer-bo

M: Dang Cold

N: Willy-ston

O: Buffalo

P: Pothole

Q: Oh Fer Funny

R: Prairie

S: Sundog

T: Teddy Roosevelt

U: Tumbleweed

V: Viking

H: Sakakawea

I: Tumbleweed

J: Prairie Wind

K: Kuchen

L: You Betcha

M: Shelterbelt

N: Buffalo

O: Fargodacious

P: Peace Garden

Q: Dickinson

R: Knoephla

S: Ope-y

T: Tater tot

U: Uff da

V: Tundra

W: Dakota

X: Duhamel

Y: Medora

Z: Casserole


Last Name

Now, find your birth month.


January: Frostingflinger

February: Blizzardwhisker

March: Nodaker

April: Dustpuff

May: Bisonbelly

June: Hotdishhugger

July: Tundra Toes

August: Tinsletoe

September: Bellringer

October: Frostyfingers

November: Driftdancer

December: Bisonbiter



Santa's House For Sale

Check out Santa's cozy cottage.

Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne

LOOK: These Nostalgic Decorations Will Bring Back the Magic of Christmas Past

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